About Charlotte

After 20 years of blogging, all further writing and posts will be made on my Substack, and my social media. This blog will remain as an archive of previous brand collabs and achievements. 
You can see me discuss politics, plus size issues and cats on my Twitter (which has been called hilarious and thriving) places like StylefruitsBustle and Buzzed and even the Daily Mail

I have worked with several brands including Kiehls Sourz, Bleach London, Lush, Neals Yard Remedies and The Marriott Hotel. I am happy to receive items and experiences to review as long as they are relevant to me and my brand.  If a post includes a gifted item or an item that is being reviewed this will be fully disclosed at at the end of the post.  All reviews are entirely my own and honest opinions.  Sponsored posts are only accepted under negotiation and will be fully disclosed on the post.  Sorry but I don't accept pre written content.  
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