Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Diet Coke X Black Heart Creatives


I was very fortunate to be asked to be part of Diet Cokes "You do you" campaign, making earrings and necklaces for influencers as part of the strategy. 

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Twin Peaks Mini Collection

With the long awaited  (26 years) season 3 Twin Peaks series released this Monday, we have paid homage to David Lynch's greatest piece of work by creating an inspired mini jewellery collection.  

I will admit that I am relatively new to Twin Peaks fandom myself. However I recall my parents talking about it non stop when I was younger. They lived for it weekly on channel 2 really late at night, none of their friends watched it, they thought it was 'weird' and didn't get it. I remember when it got cancelled, they were devastated. I desperately wanted to watch with them, log ladies, a man who talked backwards, owls, what could be more intriguing? But they said I was too young to watch. They did let me watch X Files a few years later, I guess because it was campy and you could sort of predict when Mulder or Scully were going to get into japes with the monster of the week, and my Mum would cover my eyes for any dodgy bits. But Lynch's unpredictability meant Twin Peaks was not suitable watching for 7 year old me. 

Twin Peaks was never repeated on UK TV, so when I was able to buy DVDs there was always something preferable to spend my money on. Plus I assumed (wrongly) it might not have aged very well, so I put it off until those early days of Netflix.  I think it was one of the first things I watched maybe 6 or 7 years ago and I binged in less than a week. Then I walked to HMV to try and get Fire Walk With Me, but they didn't have it. So I tried to get it on Amazon, and all the other online places. Nowhere had it? In the end I borrowed someones ancient warped VHS. It didn't matter because it was honestly one of the scariest things I have ever seen in my life and I was hooked. It lived up to every expectation I had ever had since I was 7 years old. 

There are lots of iconic things about Twin Peaks that I could have done, or have been done like cherry pie, coffee, owls,  blue roses, logs even, but for me everything builds up to the lodge. It is so built up that the mere thought of it makes me feel a bit ill. And the sign. Oh I have stared at that sign for ages, I think everything about it is perfect, the colour palette, the simplicity, it is so iconic

Keeping the above in mind, I made this mini collection with the idea that it would be wearable all the time and not a glaringly obvious homage to Lynch's masterpiece, but at the same time if you want to point out that it is, I hope that people will be able to recognise that straight away.  I shall leave you with this, the great words of Agent Dale Cooper 

"Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair or two cups of good hot black coffee."

The collection is available here, and you can watch season 3 this Monday 22nd May on Sky Atlantic or Now TV.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


I recently read this really good article by Jenna Wortham on how the internet hadn't killed Zines, when by rights it probably should had, and I got to thinking about all the incredible women I know who make them. So Today being international women day,  I wanted to share with you some incredible women and their Zines. What is a Zine you might ask me? A Zine is a self published, self made, self put together (I mean you are stapling all those pages till your hand cramps) pamphlet /booklet mini magazine on, well, just about anything you like! I have been involved in making Zines since I was 15 way back when I used to interview boys in super serious bands for local band Zines and ask them stupid questions about soaps and completely ignore anything to do with their guitar pedals or actual music. I guess that is why I never made it as a music journalist.

Bloody Hell

Soofiya describes herself on twitter as a 'Graphic Designer & Illustrator' but also as 'Anarcho-trash. and Hijabi punk scum' which is up there with some of the best twitter bio I have ever seen. In 2015 Soofiya created Bloody Hell, the period Zine. Bloody Hell is collaborative Zine about periods which includes written pieces about experiences , art work, drawings and information about menstruation. 

Soofiya wanted to create Bloody Hell because talking about periods is so often 'dominated by the experiences of cis white women' and also to break the taboo of what is all so often seen as a shameful subject. Soofiya crowdfunded Bloody Hell so that it could be made into something incredibly special printed on high quality paper, that came with little gifts and a launch party(!). Soof also designed this incredible ring that we then laser cut for her. 

This is my favourite Zine I own and as someone who has PCOs and Endometriosis and has been on contraceptives since she was 13, I wish so much this had been around when I was a teenager. 

Bloody Hell Zine is on its second edition and can be bought here.  Soofiya has also created a new Zine called Radical Softness 'a feminist poetry pocketbook. With poems about self-love, PTSD, DV, resistance, swimming and gardens' and can be bought here. Why not check out the rest of Soofiyas etsy shop too?

Dump Him/Don't Dump Him

I have known Kirby on Twitter for a while now, but I feel like our paths should have crossed at Harrow Skate Park or some post hardcore gig somewhere else in North London 15 years ago. She is incredible and has become, hands down, one of my favourite people in the world. 

Last year Kirby posted the iconic Britney Dump Him T-Shirt image and asked if anyone would like to make a Zine with her based around the idea. Kirby says that it was really just a laugh but she had such an overwhelming response of people submitting pieces, telling her 'how cathartic they found the process, getting out words they always wanted to about a situation they're no longer in' that Dump Him Zine was made. After some consideration, Kirby decided to make the Zine an equal Dump Him/Don't Dump him (hey we all need some hope and inspiration).

Kirby also designed not one, but two exclusive pins to accompany the Dump Him Zine and I have had the privilege to see one of them early and it is GOOD. Both myself and our Sister site Bimbo Movie Bash contributed to Dump Him Zine, but I am not revealing which is my submission! You should go buy this Zine right now, and you can do so with or without the pins here.

Portions of the sales of Dump Him Zine will go to Sisters Uncut who are an activist group who use direct action to help stop cuts to domestic violence services across the country, and also Off the Record, a mental health support and information service for young people in Bristol.


Most of you will know Vanessa by her alias Sarcastathon, a formidable force on the internet. Last night my Mum asked me how I knew her and I had to admit that she was the coolest internet indie it girl of the early 00s, a true Camden hero and that the fact that we whatsapp each other daily now is somewhat amazing to me. 

Vanessa has created Waves as what she calls a Chapbook (which I reckon is a Zine but who am I to tell an artist what their work is!). Waves is about 'love, loss, surgery, and trying to put yourself together in a time of trauma.' I am not here to tell Vanessa's story but I think if you want to know more about a single poor working class woman navigating through what most people would never dream of doing alone then this is the Zine for you. Vanessa's writing is so beautiful and moving, every time she sends me anything to read I am incredibly moved and I am so jealous she articulates how I feel and can never put down in words about things from food to sex. 

Waves also comes with an exclusive pin (these Zine people are REALLY spoiling you!) and can be bought here

Burnt Roti 

OK so this is not a Zine,  however, as I truly believe that making a Zine is all about DIY, hard work and slogging your guts out to produce a beautiful piece of work, often on your own, then Burnt Roti deserves to be in this post. Sharan  wanted to 'give South Asians a platform to talk about and showcase talent' and Burnt Roti is not only in print, but also an online magazine and has its own youtube platform as well. After crowdfunding and lots of self confessed panic and stressing Issue 1 has just been released. You can buy back issues, fridge magnets and badges here! 

Special mentions 

Siobhan: If/When Siobhan releases her swearing Granny Zine I will want to deconstruct it and frame every single page. Creating Zines about her work and Brighton she has so much talent it makes me sick to be honest. Check out her shop here. Kirsty: All her Zines on being poor/fat/queer/working class are sold out but honestly nothing else has ever spoken to me more, keep an eye out on her shop and at fairs. Gross Up Close: Robyn is working on a Hackers Zine currently and needs submissions go and check it out.

There are literally hundreds of women making Zines out there, and workshops on how to do them. If you aren't confident in doing your own then why not contribute to one to get going? 

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Visiting Kiehl's at The Mall Cribbs Causeway

This post is in collaboration with Kiehl's 

I am one burned out business woman, let alone burned out blogger. Fear not this is not my '2016 has kicked my butt' round up post (that is coming though) but rather an out of the blue beauty blog post. I honestly thought these days were behind me, and I miss them as I felt like they had no place in my new business blogging world, but as many have pointed out to me recently, I am a very important part of what makes the BHC brand, so maybe some more in the future? Who can say.

Kiehl's, very kindly saw that I had been, lets say, 'not taking care of myself as well as I should have been' during the Christmas period and asked if I would like to come in to their new counter at The Mall Cribbs Causeway for a bit of a pamper session and consultation. To be honest I did wonder where I would fit in any time away from the workshop but if you don't stop to take care of yourself sometimes you will honestly burn yourself out into a dry husk and not be able to continue full stop. 

Jess the skincare consultant started by testing my face to see what kind of skin I had with these little pads. Turns out my forehead is a bit oily and the rest of my face is combination, which I sort of already knew. None of the other consultations I have ever had before with other brands have ever done this so I felt pretty reassured and was nice to have it confirmed. We then went through my current skincare routine, which consists of a cream cleanser, glycol acid toner, serum, and I currently use Kiehls avocado eye cream and face moisturisers, and morning just micellar water and a serum. 

Jess recommended that I start with Kiehl's Calendula deep cleansing foaming face wash, followed by the Calendula toner. The cleanser is a gel that you mix with water and it foams up, and if you watched my snapchat it worked, my hand was clean and it wasn't too harsh either, which you don't want with a cleanser. You follow this up with the toner which is very concentrated and has the Calendula flower petals in it. I found it really pleasant to use and it has no alcohol in which is very important, it is really hard to find an alcohol free toner (trust me I tried!)

We then moved on to Precision Lifting & Pore-Tightening Concentrate which I am all about, and a lightweight facial moisturiser called Rosa Artica which has a resurrection flower in, and is aimed at anti ageing. So these were two of my favourite products. I am looking for a pore refinisher/new serum as my cheek pores tend to be huge and probably not on the top of most peoples most troubling problems, they are one of my skin issues. I currently use a really heavy weight face moisturiser and it take a long time to skin in and sometimes I feel a bit greasy using it. Even with the pore concentrate on and then the Rose Artica my hand wasn't feel moist or weighed down. I am guessing that the pore tightening concentrate will take a while to see results, so will have to see it out. 

The Midnight recovery concentrate oil was 100% the best thing I was shown, and I hope will change my nighttime routine, because I am very lazy. Kiehl's claims that a cleanse, tone and a couple of drops of this is all you need at night and I am very sold on this. Jess did a tissue test to show me it leaves no greasy residue and I was sold you know. 

Jess then showed me some additional products like this Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque and Ultimate strength hand salve. Now I bought both of these products and used them that night. I am a huge clay mask person, nothing gives my face a proper cleanse like a good quality clay mask, and I know if it has done its job because I get a few very specific spots the day after, like you do a facial because all the crap in your skin has come out. I am very fussy about hand cream, and because I am constantly using my hands in the workshop making jewellery I need something akin to barrier cream to stop them being chapped, but cannot be too greasy and thick or take too long to sink in, and this seemed to do the trick. 

Overall my Kiehl's experience was great. They listened to what I had to say about my skin and what I liked and preferred and weren't overly pushy or overbearing with information. Their counters and staff are very welcoming but with this fun apothecary feel, but without it feeling like a quirk? The products I have used in the past of theirs have always been of a very high quality and I have never had any problems with them. I would highly recommend giving them a visit! 

Kiehl's very kindly gifted me three products and I chose Precision Lifting & Pore-Tightening ConcentrateRosa Artica and the Midnight recovery concentrate oil. I purchased the clay mask and hand cream myself. 

Monday, 25 July 2016

Working with: Gendered Intelligence Crowd Fund for Transgender Camping Trip

LGBTQ issues have, and will, continue to be incredibly important to me as a queer person and Black Heart Creatives. At times it feels like I have supplied the entire London Queer scene with jewellery at some point or another(!) and I have been so grateful to have the support from such a large community to grow my business in return. So when Gendered Intelligence contacted me about their Crowd Fund project to send 70 transgender and gender variant young people on a camping trip next month I was more than happy to get 

In 2010, Gendered Intelligence took a chance on arranging a short summer camping residential for a handful of young trans people. It was so successful that they have done it every year since. This year, GI is taking 70 young people camping over two weekends – the biggest number yet and a massive undertaking for the organisation. The camping trip attempts to solve some of the problems that young trans people face if they want to go away on conventional camping or activity holidays. As the majority of summer residentials are segregated by gender, they can prove anxiety-provoking for young trans people, especially those who identify as non-binary. 

Research Indicates That: 91% of trans boys and 66% of trans girls experience harassment or bullying at school (EHRC) 72% young trans people self-harm (Youth Chances, 2013) 31% of trans people attempt suicide and 73% experience harassment (Engendered Penalties, 2007) 81% say they avoid some situations in public spaces due to fear (Trans Mental Health Study 2012)

So you can see that attending the camping trip can make a massive difference to a young person's life. It's also a chance to learn new skills such as kayaking and raft-building, to go swimming – an activity which is generally unavailable to young trans people – and make new friends. The camping trip gives young people respite from the challenges that they face in their everyday lives. It can be a huge relief to be able to have fun in a safe environment. Many young trans people feel isolated and vulnerable, typically suffering inequality and discrimination across society.

The response to this year’s camping trip call out was phenomenal – GI received 134 applications, almost double to the number of places available. But to make this years trip happen, Gendered Intelligence require £12000, they have reached just over £7200 of their target.To help them get there, we have donated a one off exclusive giant glitter gold lip necklace.  We won't be making one of these again and the only way you can get your hands on it, is to pledge on the crowd funding site here! The necklace is a statement piece measuring up at approximately 13x9cm and comes with its own presentation and storage box. 

Here are some comments from previous camping trips from attendees, to me they really show the impact of how important they are to young trans people. 

"The best thing about GI camping trips is that everyone gets to relax and be themselves. We create our own community, respect and look after each other without having to worry about what the rest of the world thinks" – Jake, camp worker 

“A few years ago one of our young members described the camping trip as 'a little bit of paradise'. This has always stayed me - partly because it's wonderful to know that Gendered Intelligence is providing such valuable experiences, but also because it motivates me and the team who are working hard to make society more trans inclusive. Because at the end of the day, going camping should be fun no doubt, but 'paradise'? It points out to me that everyday life for young trans people is generally difficult. So in the meantime - until we make the world more intelligent about gender - let's go camping” – Jay Stewart, director of Gendered  Intelligence

"Perhaps the highlight of the year was the Camping Trip.  My son did things that he, and I, did not expect him to do, including swimming - something he used to love but had not felt able to do for some time. He spent quality time with his GI friends and made new friends and it was heart-warming to see them return, the bond between them was touching. My son came home tired, dirty, a little smelly, but most importantly, he came home very happy. “– Parent of a 15 year old trans boy

Gendered Intelligence are a a CIC, founded in 2008 who work with the trans community and all those who impact on trans lives; specialise in supporting young trans people 8-25. Their vision is of a world where people are no longer constrained by narrow perceptions and expectations of gender, and where diverse gender expressions are visible and valued.  They run regular group sessions in London, Bristol and Leeds for young trans people up to the age of 25, residentials, peer support for parents and carers and special projects. They also Work on one to one mentoring with young trans people from across England in their educational settings, workshops and assemblies for students across all educational sectors, staff training, consultation and policy development

Gendered Intelligence also offer Professional Services such as Trans Awareness and Inclusion training, consultancy work, policy development and a membership scheme, presentations, conferences, panel discussions, lectures and workshops.

Any pledge amount to the camping trip is appreciated and you can do so here! Thanks so much for reading <3 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Working With: Slink Magazine

Black Heart Creatives roots started out in affordable, attainable inclusive jewellery, with the plus size community at the heart of it all. Now whilst that mission statement hasn't changed, the BHC brand has expanded and grown so we found ourselves working and collaborating with a variety of different people.  So its always affirming when we get asked to work with a magazine like Slink, who cater exclusively for Plus Size people. 

Using a combination of our new pastel colours and contrasting neon mirrored, for a colour clash  the editorial piece titled 'desired' can be seen in full in this issue of Slink Magazine, which can be bought in print or digital here, and we recommend if you like plus size fashion that you do!

You can get your own heart collar clips in any of our 40+ colours here, our heart stud earrings in the same choice of colours here, and double stacked custom name earrings in even more colour choices here.

Thanks to Slink for letting me use the photos! Credit also to the following: 

Photographer Roberto Aguilar // Makeup & Art Direction Jenny Morrell // MUA Eoin Whelan Hair // Hair Kieron Webb // Nails Steph Mendiola // Models: Nina & Charlotte MiLK management 

Huge thank you again to Jenny Morrell for including us on this shoot.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Last week (or is it two now time has gone so quickly recently!) our bamboo style no scrubs earrings were featured in the 'things we like section of the NME. Now I won't lie to you but this was a really nice achievement for everyone involved at Black Heart Creatives not just me to just show that our hard work has all paid off!   

For me personally it was one of those things you dream about moments, appearing in a magazine (not for my musical talents) that I read religiously once a week, really felt good! So here I am tooting my own horn in a blog post about it! 

The 'No Scrubs' acrylic laser cut bamboo earrings are available to buy on the site and you can get them in matte or mirrored gold, and you can actually have them say whatever you like, just leave us a note when you buy them.  If you want TLCs message to live by then just leave it black! 

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