Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Twin Peaks Mini Collection

With the long awaited  (26 years) season 3 Twin Peaks series released this Monday, we have paid homage to David Lynch's greatest piece of work by creating an inspired mini jewellery collection.  

I will admit that I am relatively new to Twin Peaks fandom myself. However I recall my parents talking about it non stop when I was younger. They lived for it weekly on channel 2 really late at night, none of their friends watched it, they thought it was 'weird' and didn't get it. I remember when it got cancelled, they were devastated. I desperately wanted to watch with them, log ladies, a man who talked backwards, owls, what could be more intriguing? But they said I was too young to watch. They did let me watch X Files a few years later, I guess because it was campy and you could sort of predict when Mulder or Scully were going to get into japes with the monster of the week, and my Mum would cover my eyes for any dodgy bits. But Lynch's unpredictability meant Twin Peaks was not suitable watching for 7 year old me. 

Twin Peaks was never repeated on UK TV, so when I was able to buy DVDs there was always something preferable to spend my money on. Plus I assumed (wrongly) it might not have aged very well, so I put it off until those early days of Netflix.  I think it was one of the first things I watched maybe 6 or 7 years ago and I binged in less than a week. Then I walked to HMV to try and get Fire Walk With Me, but they didn't have it. So I tried to get it on Amazon, and all the other online places. Nowhere had it? In the end I borrowed someones ancient warped VHS. It didn't matter because it was honestly one of the scariest things I have ever seen in my life and I was hooked. It lived up to every expectation I had ever had since I was 7 years old. 

There are lots of iconic things about Twin Peaks that I could have done, or have been done like cherry pie, coffee, owls,  blue roses, logs even, but for me everything builds up to the lodge. It is so built up that the mere thought of it makes me feel a bit ill. And the sign. Oh I have stared at that sign for ages, I think everything about it is perfect, the colour palette, the simplicity, it is so iconic

Keeping the above in mind, I made this mini collection with the idea that it would be wearable all the time and not a glaringly obvious homage to Lynch's masterpiece, but at the same time if you want to point out that it is, I hope that people will be able to recognise that straight away.  I shall leave you with this, the great words of Agent Dale Cooper 

"Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair or two cups of good hot black coffee."

The collection is available here, and you can watch season 3 this Monday 22nd May on Sky Atlantic or Now TV.


  1. That is a cool pendant in the article. I like the earrings too and not just that, I must say that the accessories are photographed very well.

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